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Posted by Team Recompute on 2nd May 2022

Technology is always updating and evolving, and 3D printing is no expectation. 3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, is the making of three-dimensional solid objects from a digital file. You have probably seen products being made using a 3D printer. Things like phone cases to home tools to toys. If you can design it, you can print it. 3D Printing has been advertised in some cases as a sustainable, eco-friendly technology that would a… Read more
Reduce, reuse, and recycle. The call for wiser buying habits is more needed today than it ever has been. Our world is changing, and what you decide to buy today, will affect the world of tomorrow.Protecting the environment goes beyond electric cars and basic recycling. Every item you own has some impact on the environment, including your laptop.Manufacturing a laptop consumes energy and creates waste. Every computer made has an impact on the envi… Read more